BrightSpark is a compute engine that combines AWS Elastic Container Service and AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service fronted by APIs.

BrightSpark is a cost-effect, fully managed compute engine. It is ideal replacement for traditional compute engines for tasks such as processing large volumnes of data, running machine learning or handling incoming streaming data. It is built entirely on containers to allow maximum flexibility for the developer.

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What is it?

It’s a compute engine, controlled by APIs. It runs in your company account to keep data secure thereby offering your organisation a wide range of capabilities of compute. Whether you want to optimize for cost, or improve speed, BrightSpark offers your development teams a variety of options, from running on AWS Fargate to EC2. All this without your teams needing to manage any of the infrastructure.

Now they don’t have to worry about Kubernetes, AWS EMR clusters, AWS Glue or any other engine - they can simply tell BrightSpark their job-name, provide parameters and submit the job to run. BrightSpark handles all the complexity to make the compute happen.

Best of all, built into BrightSpark is all the management reporting you need as a leader. Questions such as:

All of this is built into BrightSpark at no extra cost to you.

Why do I want it?

Compute cost is the biggest driving factor for most organisations and it is getting worse as companies drive more Machine Learning, Generative AI and other data driven requirements. BrightSpark aims to reduce these costs for the customer.

What problems does it solve?

So what can’t it do?

Unlike other companies, we like to keep things simple. As a result we’re not adding loads of overhead to the product that you may never use. Without those complexities, you don’t have to pay for “features” you never use!

Where should I go next?

Run-time graphs of cost savings.